Free Up Time for Salesforce Admins & Developers

People as Personas
Erez Vishnia
Erez Vishnia

Erez Vishnia is a developer with Panaya’s Salesforce group. As a former economist turned code enthusiastic, he combines insights from both worlds into his work. Erez believes that out of the box thinking is paramount for success, and that doing things a little bit different is generally a great practice!

Change Intelligence, Org overview and all our other cool features, really shine a light on the tangled bits and knots in our clients’ Orgs, enabling fast changes while freeing up a lot of time for salesforce admins/developers.

Salesforce is a customers’ world, and our group at Panaya is no different. Our product is breathing and living, and we always look for more ways to bring additional value into our customer’s workflow.

Erez Vishnia

My name is Erez, a developer with Panaya, ForeSight team, and lately I’ve been part of a team developing a plugin for JIRA, which exposes our app as an integral part of a JIRA issue.

Some of our customers are comfortable working within the Panaya realm, but some require us to make efforts to integrate tightly with their working routines.

Our plugin is all about that!

To get it done we’re adopting our technologies and creating new processes – it’s a bit like starting from scratch, but with the big Panaya organization and site behind us. While it’s still a new product, I’m confident we’ll be adding capabilities as we go, listening to our clients’ requirements and pains so that we can help with their exact needs.

People as Personas

At Panaya we understand that behind each incredible product there is a team of experts. These individuals are our pride. They go above and beyond to make sure each component and stage in the process is done with perfect accuracy.

This initiative opens the curtains to share with you the personas at Panaya.

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