Optimizing Your SAP ECC in a New Business Reality

SAPInsider Expert | On-Demand Webinar

Change is a risky business, especially when it comes to your business-critical applications. SAPinsider and Panaya experts recommend a cautiously optimistic change strategy.

SAPinsider’s Rizal Ahmed (Chief Research Officer) and Panaya’s Zinette Ezra (EVP Product) discuss the continuing impact of COVID-19 and the changes required to successfully navigate your business and SAP ECC through to a new business reality.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • How tools can demystify the impact to your business and your SAP ECC
  • Provide better performance with less cost with greater control
  • Pivot quickly to new business needs and improve user experience
  • How to support the evolving needs of your business while maintaining performance

Zinnette Ezra
EVP Product

Rizal Ahmed
Chief Research Officer

Watch the SAPInsider Expert Webinar

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